You may think I'm going 'Tant Johanna' crazy at the moment - in the past two weeks I've featured two spaces she's styled (here and here) and on Friday linked to her past homes (here and here). And then today I discovered she's moving again and her home is online. How could I not share it with yours truly? It's such a lovely space. The apartment is located in the heart of Gothenburg and yet has a slight country vibe thanks to the pretty floral wallpapar, vintage / antique furniture and linen curtain used to hide outdoor gear in the hallway. I love the green / grey hues throughout too. What a perfect home to start the week, don't you think?!
Entrance - Photography: Anders Bergstedt. Home owner: Johanna Bradford
Gothenburg anyone?!
I particularly love the corner of her bedroom. The beautiful paint colour Johanna's used in the bedroom has been a huge talking point across Swedish blogs and even in magazines. The code is: S 3005-G20Y. I love the Bestlite BL7 wall lamp and the antique side table which has been upcycled using grey marble (potential DIY project?). The Linen Works sell beautifully soft charcoal linen bedding.
For small, relaxed touches I like the string of fairy lights around the door frame and the macrame wall hanging in the sitting room which add a boho vibe.
Does anything stand out to you?
How was your weekend? I'm reeling from a wonderful couple of days at The Hive in Berlin (such a great conference and city!). Thank you to all the enthusiastic, smiling faces in the audience - you made it a real pleasure!
I finished my speech with a favourite poem by Erin Hanson, I hope it inspires you this week too:
There is freedom to be found, on the breezes of the sky. And you ask 'what if I fall?' Oh but my darling, what if you fly?
Have a a great start to the week!
PS last week a few of you asked where you could find the globe lamp shown in the window here. I haven't found the actual one - but I did find a fab DIY solution!
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